How to regain your childhood self-confidence?

How to regain your childhood self-confidence?

How To Regain Your Childhood Self-Confidence?

How can you achieve that?

This is the story of my life.

Before I went to school, I was a happy & lively child. 

At school, I got bullied by some peers that would make fun of me, simply because I was different. And I often just staid by myself, and listened to music that played in my head.

Because I didn’t fit into the crowd, and I liked to be by myself, or with one of my few friends that I still have today.  

I had a good voice and would frequently sing and play the piano, perform at the different city events, while attending the school of music, with a full-time curriculum.

In my regular school I was an introvert: closed and not social. 

Paradoxically, when I would attend the school of music, in the blink of an eye, I would immediately be transformed into a happy, lively, and outgoing extrovert leader!

But not every child has this opportunity.

With this being said, my best advice to you based on my own childhood experience is:

1. Do the “I am Mary”  exercise for 5 minutes every day. 

 2. If as a child you didnot learn how to defend yourself verbally, with humor or verbally, it’s never too late to join my individual or group leadership classes where your child will learn unique technics on how to regain self-confidence, to build communication skills, and learn to take action.

If you have a child with low self-confidence, it’s your responsibility as a parent, before they go to school, to train them to defend themself with verbally, with humor, or physically using different technics.

By the time they go to school, children should have smart templates in their heads (just memorize them) and be able to provide an immediate intellectual or physical defense to bullies and abusive children.

Sign them up for judo or karate classes. It will definitely boost their self-confidence. 

3. Create a vision board, where your child can pin the pictures where he/she looks as fearless winners. Leave it next to their bed. This way, every time your child enters their room they will see their positive and encouraging images. 

The purpose of all technics is to prepare your child to take action against bullies, abusive and toxic children.

These technics will perfectly work for adults as well.

Gradually, your child will learn to stand up for himself/herself and their values. And all bullies gradually will leave them alone and your child will gain the respect of their peers and will win the battle.