7 Ways To Develop Your Intuition For Your Life & Career Success.
Category : self-development
I could, I felt, I should, I sensed…
Aren’t you familiar with these thoughts?
Albert Einstein once said: “The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant.
We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.”
A while ago my family and I moved into a new house.
It was after midnight. Everyone, including my two little sons, was sleepy.
And I had just finished my work and was flat tired and about going to sleep.
All of a sudden, a funeral melody came into my head and was playing in a loop until I paid attention to it.
I asked myself: why does this funeral melody keep playing in my head?
I started feeling anxiety and pushed myself to go all the way downstairs to the kitchen.
And what I saw there I will always remember.
My brand new stove was very red and showed a temperature of 500F.
My sleeplessness vanished in the wink of an eye.
I pressed the off button but it didn’t work. I pressed again and again and it still didn’t work.
Like a wild kangaroo, I jumped up the stairs to wake up my husband.
And to wake him up, not an easy task.
It’s like to try awake a person with anesthesia.
But I didn’t have time to use my megaphone.
In frustration, I yelled straight to his ear: Fire, fire, help!
Gladly, after a few seconds of yelling, he Like a bullet flew to the kitchen.
He tried to turn it off but the button still didn’t work.
And the stove already was very red, hot and ready to explode.
He pulled the stove from the wall and unplugged the cord, saving the night.
If my intuition hadn’t sent me that funeral melody my family and I may not be alive.
What is intuition?
Intuition is an energy, a vibration that is inside of the right side of your brain.
The good news, everyone has the ability to be intuitive.
How can you develop your intuition? There are a number of ways, and I would like to share some techniques with you:
1. Be relaxed and open.
You can achieve it through meditation, deep breathing.
2. What is your heart says? Say it aloud and wait for an answer, only don’t analyze and the answer will pop up in your head.
3. Trust your intuition. Don’t figure it out. Don’t judge. You have to believe & trust your intuition.
If something inside of you tells you that you walk away from this work, from this boss, from this man or woman. Don’t wait. Do that ASAP.
4. How can you know that intuition comes to you?
Intuition can come in fragments, pieces, symbols, dreams (you might hear a voice, you may have a feeling, you might hear music.)
5. How can you recognize the intuition?
Watch for signs outside of you. (It might be the license plate you happened to see, it might be an Earth Angel )
An Earth Angel is somebody who comes to you at an urgent time and gives lifesaving advise.
Sometimes at the library book falls from the shelf right in front of you, pick it up and there is a message for you.
And the message is repetitive.
So, you have to be aware!
6. Trigger your Intuition by asking a question aloud.
It will stimulate your intuition. Something will pop up.
7. Let It Go To Receive.
If you ask a question you have to let it go.
Like in a good restaurant, you just put your order and let it go, it will come shortly.
The most successful people after all the calculations, advise of their big and sophisticated team, always ask their intuition before making a final decision.
Why wouldn’t it be you?
We all in life making choices. The most important choices are: about our career, our health, and our personal life.
Knowing when to leave the job you hate, the person who makes you sick, which doctor to trust is the most challenging part of making major life change no matter how happy or disgruntled you may be in your current situation.
However, listening to your intuition may help you resolve all of your issues and help you confidently decide your next move.
Whatever the decision you have to make, give your intuition a chance to guide you in your choices.
Are you depleted with your career, personal life, your health or is there some resilience, motivation, and spirit left?
Learn to listen to your intuition and it will help to make your best decisions in your life.
If you are just starting out in working with your intuition it is important to practice!
Commit an hour a day, listening to your deep self and get all the answers.
As you move through the day, stay open-minded to the people, conversations and things you meet or see.
Start doing something new you never did before.
Take notes of your observations, both physically and emotionally. How are you feeling? What new sensory experiences are you having?
Apply these learnings to your career, your daily life and trust the intuitive guidance.
You have the greatest power in your mind.
All you have to do is start using it.
And you will be able to craft the life you want and your biggest friend, your intuition will help you to achieve that.
When you will learn how to use your intuition you’ll never be poor, have a bad boss you hate, have troubles in your life, everything will fall in place and you begin to meet with the right people, at the right time and at the right places.
Be relaxed, open and honest with yourself
And intuition will come to you.