7 Ways To Improve Your Communication Skills As A Filmmaker

7 Ways To Improve Your Communication Skills As A Filmmaker

How your communication skills can help you land the work of your dream in the film industry?

In the film industry, which is a very small industry, everyone knows everyone: who is good & reliable, and who you want to avoid working with.

This is unspoken, but everyone knows that.

Especially in this industry a good filmmaker’s reputation is a BIG thing. 

If you recommended yourself as a good, skillful filmmaking professional, with great communications skills, everyone will want to hire you. 

You should always keep that in your mind. 

Communication skills is very important. 

If you don’t have good communication skills and consider yourself as a great filmmaker, people will not hire you, simply because in the middle of the long and tiring production, no one wants to deal with person with it whom it is difficult to communicate, who easily gets upset and performs unreliably because of his/her moods.

How can you learn to communicate everything in a quick and efficient, polite and respectful manner, in the middle of long & chaotic production, on the fly, and also tired people?

Here are 7 ways to improve your communication skills:

  1. Learn how to listen to others, without interrupting them. Because people want to know that they are being heard. Really listen to what the other person is saying, instead of formulating your response. The person you are talking to will notice it in your eyes.
  2. Who you are talking to matters. Be polite and respectful to anyone you are talking with: your boss, your family, or a crew member. Use formal language when you are talking to you boss and colleagues.
  1. Body Language is important, it is 55 % of your communication. Keep you gestures open, and remember to maintain eye contact, to show your attention.
  2. Be brief and specific. You have to practice being brief, yet specific enough, that you can provide enough information for the other person to understand what you want to tell him.
  3. Think before you speak. Pause before you speak, and pay close attention to what you say, and how you say it.
  4. Be polite and treat everyone with respect, especially when you are angry, tired or impatient. If you can’t, then take a break and tell them why.
  5. Always have a positive attitude and smile. When you smile and you have a positive attitude, people will respond positively to you.

So, where can you learn and practice all these skills?

Find a Toastmasters Club near you. 

There you will learn and polish all communication skills that will help you to become a better communicator and a successful filmmaker.